

Tomorrow of Cyprus grows in Doğa College.


The secondary school system implemented at Doğa College provides the student with the opportunity to develop themselves, gain different perspectives, and explore their interests and abilities. Thus, Doğa Koleji student is preparing not only for exams but also for life. Doğa College stands out with its new generation education approach and its unique and student-oriented education system. It brings a new perspective to education with its Interest and Talent Lessons and applications that support students' academic, social, personality and psychological development. With the help of this new aspect, Doğa College students, who run from success to success in education, are prepared in the most competent way for both exams and life.
In the system, which is constructed based on socially oriented + Project based + Skill, it prepares students as a citizen of the world with the courses of “Art Education, Drama, Ecology, Creative Writing, Inventor's Workshop, Mind Games, Thinking Skills”. In this way, students are increasing their success in basic curriculum courses.

t-MBA Education Model

Since the arrival of mankind in the world, management and management has manifested itself in all areas of society. Management and business sciences have become increasingly important to ensure sustainability in terms of economic and human resources. The t-MBA Program enables students of high school age to have a basic business and management vision to meet this need of businesses. Social skills and abilities developed with the t-MBA Program play a major role in bringing more competent, equipped and visionary individuals to the business life.
The basis of t-MBA education is based on the theoretical and practical delivery of this achievement. Academicly; T-MBA students who master the theoretical infrastructure of the business world with courses such as Management and Organization, Marketing and Economics; They have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in areas of life through studies such as Professional Observation and Business Projects. Students who meet the principles of democracy in Student Councils; takes the floor and takes responsibility in management processes. In this respect, Student Councils offer students the opportunity to gain a variety of skills that will provide many benefits in the future.
It is aimed to use the gains gained through the activities and applications within the scope of t-MBA in the events encountered in daily life. t-MBA is built on these features based on student acquisition. Based on a student-oriented and constructive understanding, t-MBA is based on students taking an active role in the basis of all activities and activities.
The t-MBA program, which has been successfully applied at Doğa College for many years, has gained worldwide recognition and has returned to its country with many awards. T-MBA education, which is considered as a major innovation step by education circles globally, continues to reach thousands of students from various countries of the world with its digital version t-MBA Digital.

Project Model Education

Education is not just a process in which knowledge is transferred. It is an important phenomenon that affects the intellectual and social development of the student and shapes his personality. Individuals who are curious, discussing, questioning, problem solving, entrepreneur, taking responsibility, thinking skills and self-organizing can not be trained only with models based on knowledge transfer. Acting with this awareness for years, Doğa College developed students' leadership and management skills with t-MBA education and prepared them for world citizenship.
Today, when science and technology change at a dizzying pace, school curricula are now developed to provide students with skills, not knowledge. With this awareness, Doğa College aims to provide its students with all the qualifications required by the 21st century by putting project model high school education next to t-MBA education.
With project model high school education, students will acquire scientific process skills, so they can evaluate nature and events from a scientific perspective. Our students will be educated with the skills of research, analysis, problem solving, communication, science literacy, technology literacy, critical and creative thinking, collaboration skills, and will grow up in accordance with the requirements of the century they live with their peers in the world. In addition to these 21st century skills, they will have the opportunity to access their knowledge, to develop their entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary skills, and to realize their own skills. For this purpose, it is aimed to carefully evaluate each of our students and determine their learning styles with their personality traits and orientations, and to design and implement projects suitable for their interests and abilities. Thus, students' motivation to learn will be increased by combining curiosity, interest, talent and scientific projects in the same pot, which had previously had little practice in the world.
According to scientific researches, skills that affect academic success such as project-based learning, problem solving, research, analysis, critical and creative thinking, interdisciplinary thinking, selection, planning, execution (self-regulation), learning by living, accessing information, using technology, communication It brings. In addition, social skills such as collaboration, sharing, solidarity, taking responsibility and peer learning develop at a high level with the project-based learning model.
As Doğa College, we aim to support our students' cognitive and social development with the project method, and ensure their overall development. For this purpose, by applying the Nature-Personality Based Orientation Test (D-KTYT) developed by academics and Doğa Koleji academic staff, students will reveal their own potentials by determining personality and learning characteristics at the beginning of the high school education with the project model and choosing and doing projects that are suitable for their own characteristics. Turkey for the first time Nature was developed by the College and applied personality-based routing test with our students their own curiosity, thereby enabling them to do projects in their area of interest will gain them scientific discipline so students will begin in an advantageous manner as won the science process skills to university education.
In high school education with Doğa Koleji project model, students can do projects in the field of science under the consultancy of their competent teachers in project management, as well as in interdisciplinary projects in the fields of mathematics, social sciences, arts and language. It is aimed for each student to participate in a national or international project as well as lesson projects until graduation. In addition to these projects, each of our students will graduate by making a 50-hour social responsibility project, contributing to their environment and society.