

Tomorrow of Cyprus grows in Doğa College.

Cyprus Doğa Kindergartens

Students who are raised in Doğa Kindergartens experience success for life thanks to their solid foundation. Doğa Kindergartens were created by integrating the basic modules of university education approach into early education, where the curiosity of learning was not lost. We implement an education model that shows what a child can do with research-based, project-based performance tasks. Based on the child's multi-faceted development, a program consisting of science, mathematics, thought ability, social sciences and performance modules is implemented. We raise students who have a lifelong excitement and curiosity, enjoy learning, can question and research.


Doğa Kindergartens; Curiosity and competence areas of 21st century learner profile; integrates with a skill-based modular approach, redefines early education with a unique content, offers a universal integrity. There are 7 main modules that stand out in the skill-based modular approach. It sets common goals for students in all areas of development with an interdisciplinary approach, organized as a honeycomb model and supporting each other in content.

Our Main Module, which gathers the Seven Modules together, mainly consists of Science & Science Studies and Maths (Mathematics) modules.

Communication Oriented English Education

MEB approved international standards English education program prepared by Doğa Koleji; Based on the communicative competence, the simultaneous development and follow-up of 5 abilities, it offers our students a language acquisition experience based on a qualified, privileged, innovative, current and parent-teacher-student collaboration.

The foreign language education program, which is implemented from the age of 3, is suitable for international curriculum and aims to help our students learn by living in daily activities. Our students participate in activities associated with different disciplines such as Mathematics and Science, where they can use English language knowledge and skills. Thus, while mastering the terminology that forms the basis in these areas, they gain the skills that enable them to comprehend the thought system of another language other than their mother tongue through the active foreign language education carried out by our Turkish and Foreign English teachers.

Assessment and assessment tools at Doğa College appeal to 5 language skills in accordance with the age characteristics of our students. In addition, with its weekly study program, it provides uninterrupted English education opportunities that support our students' use of English in the home environment. Our students, who are included in the Elementary School English education system, which is structured as a continuation of this teaching life, receive a Cambridge English YLE Certificate that celebrates its success, increases self-confidence and has international validity.